
Blog posts and news from around the Web

Accord Network: Diversity and Inclusion – Introduction Creating Belonging Cultures (Webinar Summary)

Organizations responding to the voices being amplified today are asking, “How do we bring about real cultural shifts that last and make a difference?”

Integral Alliance and Accord Network came together to host a discussion on the issue that has risen to the forefront of every organization today: diversity and inclusion. Nikki Lerner, who is a consultant, author and speaker, along with Eeva Sallinen Simard and Beth Birmingham, both partners of BE Development Partners, came together to lead a discussion about how to create belonging cultures.

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Where are the Women Leaders at the Leadership Tables of Kingdom NGOs?

Last year when a dear sister, and admired senior executive stepped down from her very influential leadership position in a Faith Based NGO, I wept. No longer would little girls around the world who could look upon the top of that organizational chart and see someone who looked like them and think “maybe me someday”. I wept, because after 20+ years of doing leadership development in this sector, I’ve seen the needle move, far, far too little in making space at the table for women executives.

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